Name of Reporting Team Member

Type of Incident
Disturbance with SDSO called

Campus Where Occurred



Incident Date
September 17, 2024

Incident Time
8:14 PM

List Names of Safety Team Members Involved

Incident Report / Actions Taken by Team Members

On 09/17/2024 at about 2020 hours, I was asked by members of the Safety Team to respond to the JH 7/8 room regarding an incident. Upon arrival, the Safety Team ran by me telling me there was a subject on an E-bike on campus causing issues. At that same moment the subject rode by the office area and down towards the Plaza. I noticed a group of children appeared to chase the subject on the bike. The subject continued riding around the entire campus and eluding our Safety Team and myself. Tower 6 leader Cheyenne Adams contacted me regarding a past molestation incident, and she believed the subject was the same suspect from that incident. I was unclear of the complete details and did not have time to hear the entire story right then, but I did understand that it was not a molestation that had just occurred. While this was occurring, a driver of a lifted truck in the parking lot was continuously honking his horn and chasing a vehicle around the parking lot, which may have been connected to the e-biker on campus. The driver of the truck yelled from his window for me to look in the parking lot and said something about a backpack. At that time, I believed the e-biker may be a distraction to pull the Safety Team away from the parking lot, allowing for someone to break into vehicles in the parking lot. I walked out into the lot to see if I could find evidence of a break in. I did not locate anything.

I decided the best course of action due to the multitude of things that were simultaneously happening was to lock down the building as best that we could. I asked for the parking team to get out into the parking lot and start walking around to assist with coverage. At approximately 2035 hours, I contacted the Sheriff’s department for assistance in case a more involved crime was occurring. I also believed this would deter the subject from staying on the campus while parents were arriving to pick up their children. If the subject were still on the campus, we would need to worry about him causing further distraction or injury to a child.

The Sheriff’s department arrived at approximately 2054 hours, and I briefed them on the incident. I had been advised by a member of the Safety Team that the subject had left the campus just prior to the Sheriff’s arrival. He had left the campus through the trail near the safety trailer which leads to Guajome Road. Ultimately four marked patrol vehicles responded and checked the area but were unable to locate the subject. The deputies stayed on campus with their overhead light illuminated during the pick-up process so that the suspect did not feel inclined to make it back onto our campus and disrupt the pick-up. I ran into Travis Sybert and briefly explained the incident to him. Sybert told me he would handle the notification he needed to make. I advised him that I had already notified the Director of Safety Tim Moy.

After most of the children had been picked up and while I was making rounds through the campus, I was notified by Gordon Nixon that the suspect had entered the JH 7/8 classroom while there was a female small group present inside. The subject had ridden around the classroom and as he departed, he may have grabbed a female student who was near the exit. Nixon was going to talk to the parents of that student to get further details but in the meantime, I informed the deputies about the new information. At the deputies request I went to the Safety office to retrieve video of the suspect to help determine if an assault had occurred on the female student. A short time later, the deputies joined me in the office. I provided them with photographs of the suspect, and we reviewed video together determining it was unlikely the female student had been assaulted. Nixon confirmed this after talking with the student and her parents.

The deputies remained on the campus for a short time looking for the suspect before leaving at around 2149 hours.

On 09/18/2024, I reviewed video footage of the incident and compiled a timeline. The video showed the subject come onto the campus from the West Driveway at approximately 2014 hours. He already had his hooded sweatshirt on which partially covered his face. He rode his bike up the hill towards the safety trailer but turned back around and headed past the counseling offices at 2017 hours. At 2019 hours, he entered the area between the Café and Warehouse where a male small group was meeting. He stopped at the group and leaned into the leader who was speaking to the group, appearing to say something to him. I later learned from Gordy Nixon that he was aggressive and said something to the effect of “Shut the f*** up n*****!”. One of the members of the group walked over to members of the Safety Team and alerted them of the incident. The subject circled the area and exited towards the parking lot and east towards the Junior High room. At about 2020 hours he entered the Junior High room and rode in a circle before leaving and reaching towards a female student. From there the subject rode around building 4 and back inside the campus passing in front of the offices and down the ramp to the Plaza. From about 2025 hours until 2047 hours the subject was between the Safety trailer and Parking Lot F. The subject left the property using the trail near the Safety trailer to Guajome Road.

Video evidence of the incident has been saved and stored.

NCS Team Lead

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