Name of Reporting Team Member

Type of Incident
Suspicious Person

Campus Where Occurred



Incident Date
September 8, 2024

Incident Time
11:23 AM

List Names of Safety Team Members Involved

Incident Report / Actions Taken by Team Members

On 09/08/24, at approximately 1130 hours, the safety team was alerted by staff to a suspicious person inside the Edge. Staff stated the individual seemed agitated and was complaining of some sort of dispute with his wife or girlfriend. The subject stepped outside and was initially contacted by Safety Team Member Tom Adair. Team Lead Greg Flood arrived shortly thereafter.

Flood and Adair introduced themselves and engaged the subject in conversation. He only identified himself as “Miles.” He was highly agitated and obviously under the influence of drugs. The subject was upset over a recent altercation with his girlfriend. He stated she was mad at him because he had broken her cell phone. He believed this was unjust because it was her actions that angered him, causing him to break the phone in the first place. He said he was very much in love with her but she refused to marry him. He had come to church to pray God would intervene and convince his girlfriend to marry him.

As Flood and Adair continued to speak with the subject, he maintained a heightened level of agitation. He stated he was angry at God because of his girlfriend’s refusal to marry him. He was in possession of a paperback Bible that appeared to have come from one of the venues. At one point, while professing his anger at God, he dropped the Bible and stepped on it repeatedly.

The subject stated his sister was in The Edge. He further stated she had driven the two of them to church that morning. The subject made several statements indicating he had some familiarity with North Coast. When he began making statements about going back into the Edge, Flood informed him that due to his agitated state, he would not be allowed to enter any of the campus venues. He was offered a seat in the back of the Outdoor venue where he could wait for his sister (due to the heat, the venue was largely empty). The subject then said he would just leave the campus and walk home. He left a short time later.

STAR reviewed video footage which showed the subject arrived on campus at 1123 hours. He walked on, alone, and went to the Edge. After a short interaction with staff, he stepped outside where he was contacted by Adair.

If the subject is again seen on campus, he should be contacted to determine his mental state. If appropriate, an effort should be made to gain additional identifying information and his connections to North Coast.

NCS Team Lead

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