


Date of Incident:
July 13, 2024

Time of Incident:
12:30 PM

Number of Patients for this Incident:

List Patient(s) Name, Age, Parent/Guardian (if under 18),… :

Harlen LaDue, 11 y/o
Jodi LaDue (619) 602-5503

Describe Medical Event:

During a bathroom break at a rest stop Harlen approached me and mentioned that she felt ‘warm’. I felt her forehead and cheeks which seemed warmer that usual but we were in 112ยบ weather and she had no other complaint. I bought her a cold water and placed her back into the van with A/C assuming she was over heated. Approximately 20 minutes later Harlen informed me from the back of the van that she had texted her mom and her mom wanted me to give Tylenol; I gave her 500 mg of Acetaminophen. At the lunch stop (approximately 60 min. later) Keeley and I asked Harlen how she was feeling and she said she was feeling better. Harlen did not mention anything else to Keeley or I. At about 6 pm I was handed a phone and Jodi Ladue was on the other side; she informed me that her daughter had been texting her complaining that she had been crying and uncomfortable in the back seat for over an hour. Upon her request I redosed Harlen with another 500mg of Acetaminophen. During the van clean up Harlen was allowed to remain resting in the back seat of the van and released from the traditional clean out duties.

Actions Taken by Team Members:

Number of NCSM Team Members Involved:

List Name(s) of NCSM Team Members Involved:

Scott Johnson

Was medical attention accepted?”:

Medical attention was refused by (name and relationship to… :

Was 911 emergency service called?:

Was patient transported via 911 emergency services?:

What hospital was victim transported to?:

NCS team lead:

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