Adult fall



Date of Incident:
July 12, 2024

Time of Incident:
10:25 PM

Number of Patients for this Incident:

List Patient(s) Name, Age, Parent/Guardian (if under 18),… :

Karen Goodman; DOB: 5/12/1956

Describe Medical Event:

at the end of event while exiting building, female thinks, her foot got caught with the front floor mat-rug. She fell on her right knee and right arm & ended in her back. She also hit her left forehead area against the front side panel of glass door entrance. She complained of pain & soreness on her right knee and mainly on her right forearm & above her wrist area. She was able to move fingers, hand but difficult with rotating her arm & very sore to touch skin of forearm and above her inner wrist. All skin intact, no open wounds in any areas described. Mild swelling & redness in Rt. inner forearm. Mild redness in her left forehead. No dizziness, no blurred vision, no headache or other complaints. She was conscious during entire incident and well oriented.

Actions Taken by Team Members:

Number of NCSM Team Members Involved:

List Name(s) of NCSM Team Members Involved:

No NCS team members involved except this RN. Other volunteers included pastor Terry Murphy who coordinated call to safety leader, called for a wheelchair, & other needs; pastor Terry ‘s wife (brought ice bag, called pastor for support and need for wheelchair), a friend of female victim (emotional support & assisted with personal belongings), two males (assisted victim from the floor to a chair; they brought the chair from venue and assisted her sitting while waiting for wheelchair); pastor Terry’s son who was working as a service staff (arrived with the wheelchair); my husband who escorted victim & pushed the wheelchair to her car.

Was medical attention accepted?”:

Medical attention was refused by (name and relationship to… :

Was 911 emergency service called?:

Was patient transported via 911 emergency services?:

What hospital was victim transported to?:

NCS team lead:

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