Head injury

San Marcos/Escondido


Date of Incident:
March 16, 2024

Time of Incident:
5:45 PM

Number of Patients for this Incident:

List Patient(s) Name, Age, Parent/Guardian (if under 18),… :

Tobias Anderson

Describe Medical Event:

2yo male had witnessed fall striking central lower forehead on edge of wooden chair. No LOC, no crying, child got up by himself and went right back to play with no change in behavior, no visible distress. Staff noted small bruise after a few minutes and I was called to evaluate the child. Child was playing with plastic boat toy, in no distress. Small faint bruise noted central lower forehead with no skin wound. Scalp completely nontender, including over bruise. Neck with FROM, no tenderness. No facial bone, no C-spine, T-spine or L-spine tenderness. Child behaving normally, responds to verbal commands, normal eye contact, aware and interacting with others, focused on play.

Actions Taken by Team Members:

Number of NCSM Team Members Involved:

List Name(s) of NCSM Team Members Involved:

2’s and 3’s staff members, Phil Yphantides, MD.

Was medical attention accepted?”:

Medical attention was refused by (name and relationship to… :

Was 911 emergency service called?:

Was patient transported via 911 emergency services?:

What hospital was victim transported to?:

NCS team lead:

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