Date of Incident:
December 17, 2023
Time of Incident:
12:28 PM
Number of Patients for this Incident:
List Patient(s) Name, Age, Parent/Guardian (if under 18),… :
Unknown Name, Approximately 70 years of age.
Describe Medical Event:
Elderly female fell when walking up steps at the end of service. She was departing the main auditorium and was walking up the stairs, but not using the handrail. As she went to step up from the 2nd to the 3rd step, she caught her toe/foot on the step and lost her balance. This caused her to fall backwards onto the ground floor of the auditorium. She fell on her right shoulder/side and also hit her head on the right side. She did not fall due to dizziness or any other internal medical condition. She fell purely from not holding the handrail nor watching her step.
Actions Taken by Team Members:
Number of NCSM Team Members Involved:
List Name(s) of NCSM Team Members Involved:
JP Norman – Team Lead
Leigh French – Security
Was medical attention accepted?”:
Medical attention was refused by (name and relationship to… :
Was 911 emergency service called?:
Was patient transported via 911 emergency services?:
What hospital was victim transported to?:
NCS team lead:
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